Privacy Policy

Protecting your personal data is important for us. The following Data Protection Policy provides information about the processing of your personal data when using the eXperiBot Blockly App.


The owner for the processing of your personal data captured when you use the App is Cornelsen Experimenta GmbH, Holzhauser Straße 76, 13509 Berlin (hereinafter also referred to as “Cornelsen Experimenta” or “we”).

App authorization for versions of Android

If you want to use all the functions and services in the App, it must be able to access certain functions and data in your device. It is necessary for technical reasons that you grant the App certain access permissions. The legal basis for processing your data is Article 6 Subs. 1 letter b GDPR. The App requires the following permissions:

  • We need access to local storage spaceto be able to save programming projects.
  • Bluetooth must be enabled so that you can connect your device (computer, tablet or smartphone) to your eXperiBot robot.
  • Some Android versions require access to the Coarse Location in order to scan for Bluetooth Low Energy devices (the eXperiBot robots) and connect your tablet/smartphone to your eXperiBot robot.


You can delete the data processed when using the app at any time by deleting the app (iOS, Android) or by deleting the folder with the programming objects (Web-App for Windows and macOS).

Use of service providers

Cornelsen Experimenta uses service providers to render certain services and for processing your data. The service providers process the data solely as instructed by Cornelsen and are bound to comply with the valid data protection legislation. All processors were carefully selected and receive access to your data only to the extent and for the period of time required for rendering the services.


You can contact us by telephone or email. We use the data generated in the process to contact you and to answer your questions. The legal basis for the data processing is Art. 6 Subs. 1 f GDPR. We have a justified interest in maintaining contact with users and being able to answer any questions they may have.

Your rights as a user

As a user you have the right to request information about which data we have stored about you and for what purpose. In addition, you can correct incorrect data or have data deleted if the data were unlawfully recorded or are no longer required. You have the right to data portability. In addition, you have the right to complain to a supervisory body about the data processing taking place.

Information on your right to object

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, in so far as there are reasons which arise from your particular situation. The precondition for this is that the data processing is carried out on the basis of a balancing of interests.

Data Protection Representative

Our Data Protection Representative is also available at any time to provide information or receive your suggestions about data protection:

datenschutz nord GmbH